• Dialogue with Liam Graham about Emergence

    Dialogue with Liam Graham about Emergence

    Emergence, a word whose Latin roots are ex = “out” + mergere = “merge, sink”, has 19 different meaning according to Oxford’s English Dictionary. While emergence is also widely used in quantum statistical mechanics, Liam Graham argues in his new book “Physics Fixes All the Facts” that we should abandon it and are better of…

  • Why I am embarrassed about Sabine Hossenfelder being embarrassed to be German

    Why I am embarrassed about Sabine Hossenfelder being embarrassed to be German

    Sabine Hossenfelder’s recent political video is an affront against the majority of Germans. Here I explain why.

  • Dialogue with Raja Yehia about the quantum energy initiative

    Dialogue with Raja Yehia about the quantum energy initiative

    The quantum energy initiative (QEI) is a recently launched initiative that wants to raise awareness about the energy consumption of quantum technologies and aims at making them more efficient and sustainable. However, I have been always skeptical about its mission and integrity. So, to get a clear picture, I thought it is best to talk…

  • One year of online presence

    One year of online presence

    About a year ago I started this blog and created a Twitter account and Linkedin profile. Now, it’s time for a little recap.

  • Dualism vs. Animism and Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics

    Dualism vs. Animism and Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics

    Dualistic perspectives are deeply ingrained into our modern society and at the root of our reckless exploitation and destruction of planet earth, something which would be unthinkable within an animistic worldview. I here make the point that the contrast between dualism and animism is mirrored, to an almost frightening precision, in the interpretations of quantum…

  • Endnotes: the end of science?

    Endnotes: the end of science?

    Not really, but it is at least the QWERTY of science (this post is a bit more emotional). I really hate them (it’s very emotional). Here is why.

  • Pancakes for physicists

    Pancakes for physicists

    Even though brain activity burns around 20% of the calories in your body, the need for good food is often neglected among physicists. This results in pale creatures loitering in front of blackboards mumbling stuff that not even their peers can understand. Here is your way out with the most delicious and healthy pancakes you…

  • Why God plays dice: A pedagogical and accurate explanation of the second law

    Why God plays dice: A pedagogical and accurate explanation of the second law

    The second law of thermodynamics has taken a supreme place in the hall of fame of universal laws, owing to its time-asymmetric character and its countless applications in engineering, biology, chemistry, physics and astronomy. Yet, it also holds a supreme place as one of the most mystic natural laws that “nobody really understands”. But luckily…

  • Bonobo Science

    Bonobo Science

    The group dynamics of bonobos, a species of apes that is genetically one of our closest relatives, is predominantly cooperative and peaceful. The reason for this behavior can be explained by the abundance of resources and the relative smallness of the bonobo groups. These preconditions lead to the forming of strong social bonds and a…

  • Dialogue with Matteo Polettini about the second law

    Dialogue with Matteo Polettini about the second law

    The second law of thermodynamics is one of the bedrocks of science. It sticks out due to its defeatism, it has become an integral part of pop culture, economics and politics, and it is constantly mystified because “no one really knows what entropy really is” (J. von Neumann). In this dialogue physicists Matteo Polettini and…