Category: arrow of time

  • Why God plays dice: A pedagogical and accurate explanation of the second law

    Why God plays dice: A pedagogical and accurate explanation of the second law

    The second law of thermodynamics has taken a supreme place in the hall of fame of universal laws, owing to its time-asymmetric character and its countless applications in engineering, biology, chemistry, physics and astronomy. Yet, it also holds a supreme place as one of the most mystic natural laws that “nobody really understands”. But luckily…

  • What is a Boltzmann brain?

    What is a Boltzmann brain?

    If you thought the name of this blog comes from me thinking to be a reincarnation of Boltzmann, then you were almost but not quite right. Boltzmann’s brain is a serious scientific paradox at the intersection of statistical physics and cosmology with the (still serious) consequence that the Universe could be filled with zombies, including…